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Travel Diary: Healing Puerto Rico:

Mucho que contar!!!! Muchas familias viviendo en casa sin techo. El río arrasó con muchas casas e inundó otras y perdieron todo. El sábado que viene va otro grupo a esta comunidad a traer comida que nosotros NACOPRW vamos a donar. Mucha gente pobre y malnutrida! Un viejito perdió su casa y la comunidad le dio refugio en otra casa abandonada pero le dio un derrame cerebral y ni tenía meficamentos!!!!!! Anoosh lo vio y recetó los medicamentos necesarios y le trajimos comida, agua, medicina, etc. Muchos casos que rompen en el alma!!!

So much to share! Many families living in houses with no rooftops. Houses swept and buried by river's current. This coming Saturday another community group will distribute food that NACOPRW will donate. So many poor people who are malnourished! An elderly man lost his home and neighbors found an abandoned home as a place for him to seek refuge. However, he had a stroke and there was no medicine!!!! Anoosh (Ana's husband, a medical doctor) prescribed the necessary medicine, and we brought him food, water, and medicine. So many heartbreaking cases!

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The National Conference of Puerto Rican Women Inc. is a non-profit, non-partisan, tax-exempt 501 C 3 organization dedicated to promoting the full participation of Puerto Rican and other Hispanic women in their economic, social, and political life in the United States and Puerto Rico. EIN is 52-1638128


29851 Aventura, SUITE K, #80156

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688

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